Friday, November 2, 2007


I dyed yarn...for the very first time! I was trying to match a piece of fabric that I have and want yarn to coordinate with. I don't know how well I did - I'm going to wait until the yarn drys before I judge. I did get splotches of the wrong color in places I really didn't want it - but hopefully it is not to bad and when it is knitted up will not be noticable!
I used Orange, Pina-Pineapple, Ice Blue Raspberry Lemonade, and Tamarindo for colors. I mixed a little of the Tamarindo with both the orange and the Pineapple to darken them a little. I know I need a larger/flatter microwave pan - other than that I think it went well.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treat

Well it was a good night - Molly had a blast going trick or treating. She was a little timid at first and we had to tell her to yell out "trick or treat" when we got to a house - but all in all I think she had a great time. Josh still doesn't know what is going on - but had fun being on Daddy's shoulders and going for a walk. Molly was more interested in asking what each of the candies were than eating them - makes a mama proud!

Still very behind on projects. Have 4+ quilting projects that need to get done before the end of the year (ya right!). I also need to get a few knitting projects for gifts done!
Oh for more time in a day!!